Tuscola County, Michigan

Board of Review



The Akron Township Board of Review will meet in person at the

Akron Township Hall

4280 Bay City Forestville Rd

Unionville, MI 48767

The Board of Reviews will have an organizational meeting

Tuesday, March 4, at 6:15 PM

The Board of Review will hear protests from property owners on:

Monday, March 10, 3 PM – 9 PM

and Wednesday, March 12, 9 AM -3 PM

The tentative ratios and estimated multipliers necessary to compute individual state equalized values are as follows:

Ratio:            AG               45.09            Multiplier       1.10889

                    Comm.         49.07            Multiplier       1.01895

                    Res.             50.23            Multiplier       0.99542

                    Per.              50.00            Multiplier       1.0000

                    Indus.           49.36            Multiplier       1.01297

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

The Township will provide necessary reasonable services to individuals with disabilities at the Board of Review meetings upon 10 days notice.  Contact Steve Linzner, 4280 W M-25, Unionville, MI 48767 989-341-3006

                              Stephen Linzner, Akron Township Supervisor

Board of Review Board Members

Steve Linzner, Mark Jacoby, Dennis Keyser and Matt Sattelberg

Akron Township Assessor: Nathan Hager